The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Women in Finance: A Gold Balloon Society

Tuesday 28-08-2018 - 09:00

Bristol SU has a number of societies which have been accredited with gold status on the Balloon Accreditation Scheme. We caught up with Women in Finance to find out more about their student group.

What do Women in Finance do?

The Women in Finance society aims to help tackle the gender inequality within the financial sector by providing information about the different careers and giving support to those considering this career path. We support every degree background and our goal is to instill confidence in our members so they feel able to succeed in this sector. We aim to achieve this by hosting information sessions such as Finance 101 and talks by inspirational female leaders in finance.  

Where do we do it?

Currently we host our events in and around Woodland Road and employers’ offices based in Bristol. We hope to begin to run sessions in halls next year as well. 

What have we achieved and how have we met the standards of the Gold award?

This has been our first operational year and thanks to the society’s founders ensuring we have a solid base to grow from, we have managed to eliminate our membership fee allowing anyone to join. We have held numerous collaborations with other societies as well as the careers service which has really allowed our members and others to learn more about what we do and in events such as ‘What is the future for women in Finance?’, what is currently happening in the industry. We believe events like this provide opportunities for members to learn what has been done in the past to combat inequality and inspire our members to consider this sector for their chosen career. Another achievement we are very proud of is being awarded The Most Inspiring Committee by the SU in 2017/18. We are always keen to hear our members’ views and utilise these to ensure we are delivering a service of value for students. 

What are we planning to do differently next year?

We are planning to introduce a First Year Representative, who we will be electing in the first few weeks of term so we can ensure first years are hearing about us and feel involved in our Society from the beginning. We are keen to broaden our membership base, and hope to engage more with first years students to enable this to happen.

We will also be starting an Investment Club, in collaboration with Hargreaves Lansdown, which will be an amazing opportunity for our members to really develop their skills and interest in this area with expert advice. We hope to grow our number of collaborations with other societies to make sure our members are getting as much as they can from our networks.


More Information:

Find out more about Societies and Clubs

Find out more about the Balloon Accreditation Scheme



Sports and societies

Related Tags :

student, university, Bristol, society, accreditation, Gold, gold balloon, women in finance, finance, women, equality and diversity,

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