What does a Faculty rep actually do? What is going on behind the scenes, and how you can you get involved?
Hi, I’m Joe, the incumbent representative for postgraduate research (PGR) students in the Faculty of Science. Just like the other faculty reps, I’m a committee member of the Education Network. We’ve been busy over the past months, working to improve the student experience at Bristol.
I’d like to update you on the recent projects with which I’ve been involved. If you’re a science PGR and there’s anything you think I should be doing, please let me know! My email’s over on the SU’s list of Faculty Reps [1], along with those of the reps for other faculties and other levels of study. We really want to hear from you!
In January, I hosted a forum for Science PGR course representatives, at which I listened to the issues they were presently facing in their schools. Check out our mugshots above! #picsoritdidnthappen
We identified some problems that recur in several schools. These problems include:
I will raise some of these issues with the EN so they can help me campaign for change. Other issues, which more closely relate to the Science Faculty than education in general, I have raised at the recent Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). I will soon chair a Faculty Student-Staff Liaison Committee (FSSLC) meeting. These issues will be the agenda items, and I hope that I can work together with course reps and staff in the Science Faculty, as well as the Postgraduate Education Officer, to effect genuine change.
I’ve also been collaborating with representatives from the BDC. Their staff want to organise events and initiatives for science PGRs (among others) and have asked me to contribute early in the planning phases.
These plans include an internship scheme for science and engineering researchers, and an inter-faculty away day for postgraduates who teach. I have tried to help make sure these incipient events meet the needs of, and are genuinely useful to, PGR scientists. Please contact me if you think either of these may interest you. The BDC and I want to tailor these opportunities to the demands of students!
You can directly reach me, and the other faculty reps, via email at the addresses on this page [1]. We are here to represent you, so please tell us what you want done!
You can become an Education Network member, for free, in seconds by clicking here [3]. You’ll be able to shape the educational landscape at Bristol, and you’ll be in the loop with the actions of other EN members.
Don’t forget, you can follow our Facebook page [4] too!
We look forward to hearing from you. Until next time!
// Joe Allen, PGR representative, Faculty of Science. My pronouns are he/him/his.
[1] https://www.bristolsu.org.uk/groups/bristol-su-education-network
[3] https://www.bristolsu.org.uk/groups/bristol-su-education-network/join
[4] https://www.facebook.com/groups/112959599401076/