The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Dealing with unexpected grades

Tuesday 05-11-2019 - 11:34


By Aisling Duignan-Murphy

Third Year Psychology Student, Epigram Journalist (The Croft Magazine)

What makes for an 'undesirable grade' will differ from person to person, yet we all end up feeling a collection of similar emotions; including anger, sadness and disappointment.

However, the most overwhelming feeling is likely to be confusion, especially if you have worked hard and know the topic well. So why haven't you got the grade you wanted?

Often the answer to this question is not simple. Reasons can be as wide-ranging as being new to university or being new to a specific module, However, one of the biggest problems for new students – and older students too – is reconciling with university grading systems.

After having likely achieved high grades at school, it might seem a bit absurd that 70/100 is a pretty amazing – and hard to attain – grade.

As a result, university grading systems are a bit of a shock to the system for most students, meaning that the large majority will not do particularly well at first. If this happens to be the case with you, don’t let it get you down as you are not alone and there are lots of solutions!

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Photo courtesy of Unsplash / Tim Gouw

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