The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Shop Events Guidance

Wednesday 14-12-2016 - 15:06
Events picture

As you may know, with the new website system society/sports club committees now have more control over setting up events and tickets, so you no longer have to ask us to do it for you! However, it does not have the same sales functionality as the old one did. As a workaround, you can create a one-off event called “Shop”, which can then have ‘tickets’ set up as the products.
Many societies have set these up already, but they need to be created carefully. Currently we have many events clogging up the main events calendar, the homepage ‘What’s on’ widget, and society/sports clubs individual group calendars. Because of this it has become hard for visitors to our website to browse and discover current events they may want to attend.
There are four main types of events that societies/sports clubs set up: actual events, ‘shops’, courses/training programmes that consist of multiple events, and competitions.

Actual Events


Please make sure that the event ‘from’ and ‘to’ dates/times reflect the start and end dates/times of the event. The sales period is to be set on the tickets, not on the event itself

Shops, and other events used to sell products


These should have an actual event period that is as small as possible, and that is preferably not in term time. We recommend that you set these us to be only 1 hour long on the 31st July. This doesn’t affect your ability to sell products (tickets).
To have products that are only available for a certain amount of time (ie a week in term 2), you need to set the dates of the ticket associated to that product to that time. 


Courses/Training events


If you have an 8 week training programme please do not set it up as an 8 week-long event. Instead, please try and set the event up with a start and end that reflects the first session accurately. If people can join the programme at points after the first session then please set up separate events for these, with similarly appropriate start/end times.




In a similar way to the ‘shop’ events, please do not set the event up with to/from dates that cover the whole entry period. Set the event as running for the hour or so before the deadline. You can still promote the competition by linking from your homepage/Facebook pages.



If you have already set up an event then do not change the end date. You can change the start date, but please make sure you delete any ‘Publish date’ if you have one.

This is the format that we would like you to follow for all future events. 


Events, Sports and societies

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events, society, Sports Club, Event, website help,

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