The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Problems registering?

Because of the complexity of our student database we sometimes have trouble working out whether your email address is registered correctly with us. Sorry about that; please try the following to help:


  • If you are a student at University of Bristol and your email address is appearing as that of a guest's, please contact us immediately at, so that we can get it sorted for you.


  • If you are not a student but you'd like to create an account to order tickets, and your email address is appearing as that of a student's, then please contact us at so that we can update your record.


For any other website issues, email us at

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click here to receive unlock instruction mail again


Here are our most frequently asked questions...

Because of the complexity of our student database we sometimes have trouble working out whether your email address is registered correctly with us. Sorry about that; please try the following to help:


  • If you are a student at University of Bristol and your email address is appearing as that of a guest's, please contact us immediately at, so that we can get it sorted for you.


  • If you are not a student but you'd like to create an account to order tickets, and your email address is appearing as that of a student's, then please contact us at so that we can update your record.


For any other website issues, email us at

To reset your password, visit this link.


If you're still having problems, email us at and our team will be happy to help.

If your account is locked, there may be a configuration issue with the UnionCloud system.


Email, and we'll try and get it resolved for you as quickly as possible.

Just to check, have you been to the login page and tried signing in there?


If you've already tried that and are still having no luck...



If none of that helps with your enquiry, email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Fire your questions to - just please be aware we get a lot of enquiries, and might take a little while to come back to you.

Yep, sorry we're so nosy.


Contact us at and we'll get back to you. Just please be aware we get a lot of enquiries, and might take a little while to respond.

