Welcome to the Sports Network!
The Sports Network is a student-led group that prioritise what students actually want from the sport at the uni, whether playing in a competitive BUCS league or a social intramural league on Sundays.
Ignition is our main event of the year. We gather sports teams from across the uni to participate in 10 hours of activity (anything from skipping to swimming to shooting hoops!) to raise money for Bristol City Centre Hospitals. This year well-being is at the forefront of our agenda, so make sure you follow our Instagram (sportsnetworkbristol) to keep up with what we have in store!
Our 2021/22 Chair is Tiegan Ball:
“Hi everyone, I’m Tiegan, and I’m the Sports Network Chair for the 2021/22 season. I am a third-year student who has recently become a Maroon athlete for the boat club.
As Chair for a typical year, my role would include running the sports network committee, sitting on grant panels and affiliation boards, attending student council and coordinating our main charity event of the year, Ignition! We attend fortnightly meetings with Obafemiand the SEH/SU partnership team, making sure the students' interests were represented while we developed our plans for the coming season. Throughout, I have been working behind the scenes to make sure our sporting community is working cohesively to look after each other’s wellbeing in these difficult circumstances.”
Each October, a new Sports Network committee is elected. These student representatives put themselves up for election for an accredited role on our official SU Network committee, representing the interests of the 10,000 students that play sport across the uni and have the resources to influence the decisions that matter to you and your clubs.
Typically, a committee member can expect to spend 1-2 hours on the Sports Network per week, less during quieter periods (e.g. exams) and a little more towards big events such as Ignition (depending on the role). However, as students, we know sometimes there isn’t enough time to get everything ticked off that to-do list, so by working as part of a committee, we’ll be there to help out when needed.
The roles available on our committee are (ELECTIONS OCTOBER 2021, Elections @ Bristol SU):
Liberation Officer
Coordinate with the liberation networks and wider student community to ensure that their views are adequately represented, understanding barriers to sport and address these accordingly
Bring forward new initiatives/collaborations to further ensure that these communities feel the sport is accessible for them.
Wellbeing Officer
Engage with sports clubs and campaigns to promote the importance of understanding mental and physical wellbeing within the sport
Collaborate with all levels of student-athletes from participatory to elite level and their wellbeing concerns/queries and bring these to the front of the network's agenda
Access Officer
Represents students who would like to get involved in sport at university at the participatory level, for example, by engaging with intramural team captains
Work with students who would like to be further involved in sport but are unable to due to barriers.
Events Officer
Be the committee lead on the planning and running of events in the network (the main event of the year is Ignition)
Coordinating with the SU Marketing team to publicise events run by the network
All roles are overseen by the Chair of the network, whose job it is to ensure that all the roles and responsibilities of the network are being fulfilled; whilst working with the full-time Student Sport and Development Officer, staff at SEH (Sport, Exercise and Health) and the SU, and sports clubs captains and their members to help provide the best possible offer for all Bristol University students. The Chair also attends Standing Committee, Student Council, Grants and Affiliations panels and weekly meetings with the SU-SEH partnership team to help shape students' opportunities.
For more information, head over to our Instagram (sportsnetworkbristol) to keep up with what this year's committee are up to!! Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Tiegan (gx19296@bristol.ac.uk)
A step-by-step guide to nominate yourself:
A visual guide can be found on the 'Elections' highlight reel on our Instagram (sportsnetworkbristol), but if you get stuck, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Click here to view terms and conditions
Prior to signing up to a Club or Society speak to the Committee to find out what your membership includes and if there are any further expenses throughout the year.
All Club or Society members can expect to receive:
When joining a club or society you are agreeing to abide by the constitution, general rules, regulations and policies of University of Bristol Students’ Union and also the Club or Society Code of Conduct which sets out the level of behaviour & discipline expected of all Club & Society members.
Any customer who pays for a membership subscription to a Bristol SU Society, Sports Club, Student Media and initiatives has a 14 day cooling off period from the time and date of purchase during which they have the right to cancel the subscription and receive a full refund. If you do decide to cancel within the 14 days, Bristol SU will refund your payment within a further 30 days of the cancellation. To request a refund please email: bristolsu@bristol.ac.uk
Please be aware that Bristol SU may share data relating to the members of its sports clubs with the Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health (a department of the University). This information may be used for the purposes of communicating direct with these members and/or to cross-reference against SEH's Sports Pass membership records.
As part of Bristol SU's membership of British Universities & Colleges Sports (BUCS) Bristol SU may have to share data on to its sports clubs members so BUCS can, from time to time, communicate with these members.
If you're joining one of the societies listed below please be aware that your name and email address will be shared with Bristol Hub for the purpose of keeping you up to date with their activities through their email “The Week”:
AIESEC Bristol, AMICUS Bristol, Anti-Slavery Society, Bristol Feminists, Bristol Friends of MSF, Bristol Marrow, Bristol Social Enterprise Society, Bristol Student Action for Refugees, Bristol University Amnesty International, Conservation Group, Bristol University Oxfam Group, Bristol University Sustainability Team, Bristol Volunteers for Development Abroad, Engineers Without Borders, Howard League for Penal Reform Student Society, International Affairs Society, Medsin Bristol, Model United Nations, and Vegetarian and Vegan Society.
For more information on Bristol Hub visit: http://www.bristolhub.org.
If you do not want your details shared with the Hub please email: bristolsu@bristol.ac.uk.
These terms shall be governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Nothing in these terms shall exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.