Overseeing Bristol SU is a Board of Trustees
What is the Board of Trustees?
Overseeing Bristol SU is a Board of Trustees, which is responsible for ensuring that the SU complies with the law, with its own charitable objects, and with the policies agreed by its democratic structures.
The Board of Trustees (also called Trustee Board, Trustees or the Board) are also responsible for safeguarding the financial stability, good name, culture and ethos of the Union. They actively contribute to developing the strategic direction of the organisation.
The Board meets regularly throughout the year.
To find out more about being a Trustee please read the Essential Trustee CC3
What do they do?
Make sure students are at the heart of everything we do
We are a registered charity with clear aims and objectives, and our activities must be for the benefit of students at the University. The Board of Trustees makes sure we achieve this, by approving and monitoring our strategic plan, and monitoring and evaluating the performance of our services and activities in line with our charitable objects.
Safeguard our reputation and manage risk
The Board of Trustees do not get involved in the day-to-day business of the Students’ Union but they have a duty to make sure we don’t break any of the laws or regulations we must follow as part of our work and act in line with our governing documents.
Make sure we remain financially solvent
The Board of Trustees manage all of our finances, approving all our expenditure and our annual budget. They look after the long-term stability of the Students’ Union, making sure that we continue to have money available to provide services which benefit our students.
This means that they may occasionally take legal or commercial decisions which cannot be overruled by students.
The day-to-day operations of the Students’ Union are delegated to the Chief Executive and the staff team.
The Board operation is governed by a set of rules.
How can you influence the Trustees?
Whilst the Trustees have to take a number of decisions that may not seem directly relevant to your student experience, it is vital that they understand the views of the members of the Students' Union.
As members of the Students' Union, you can influence the Trustees in a number of ways:
Contacting the Full Time Officers or Student Trustees - The full time officers are your elected representatives but they are also trustees. Whilst they are obliged to think about the overall organisation when taking decisions as trustees, they still take into account the wishes of the student population. Find out how to contact the officers here. To contact student trustees please contact Suzanne Doyle, Executive and Governance Manager or contact them via the University student database.
Raising issues at Student Council or the Annual Members Meeting - You can find out how to do this on our democratic events page.
Standing for election - Twice a year during October and March. Find out more on our elections page.
Who are the current Trustees?
The Board of Trustees is 16 strong and is Co-Chaired by an elected full-time officer trustee or student trustee and a co-opted trustee. The board meet regularly throughout the year, with committees meeting at regular intervals before each Trustee Board.
As elected Full-Time Officers they lead the Students' Union, and are also trustees.They are elected by all students in a cross-campus election each spring, As elected Full -Time Officers they hold their Trustee posts only for their one year in office (they can, however, be elected for one more year only).
Student Trustees are elected by all students in a cross-campus election each spring to serve as SU Trustees alongside their study. They are unpaid.
The Student Trustees do a 2-year term, which is staggered, so there are always 2 Trustees in their second year on the board (unless they have to step down or resign before their 2 years)
These external trustees (called Co-opted) are independent professionals appointed for their skills, experience and knowledge. They are appointed by the trustees, following an interview by a panel made up of the trustees. They are unpaid and can do a term of 9 years in 3 terms of 3 years
This final trustee is appointed by Bristol University and approved by Bristol SU Trustees
The Board is also advised by a number of Union and University staff:
In 2022 there was a revision of the new committee structure which was created and approved by the SU Trustee Board in 2021. These committees meet before and feed into the main Trustee Board meetings