The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

How is the SU Run?

We believe it is important that our members know exactly how the Union runs, and how they can get involved. There are three levels of documents that govern how the Student Union works.

At the top level we are governed by a constitution (called Memorandum and Articles of Association as we are a company), which set out the overarching rules. Some changes also have to be agreed by the University.

We then have a set of Byelaws which go into more detail and explain how the SU does everything from holding elections to running clubs and societies. These usually contain the things you want to know.

Finally, there are also a set of Board Rules and Procedures and Organisational Polices which all help govern the Trustee Board and Bristol SU. There are also Democratic Policies which have been proposed by students and have ultimately been approved by our Board of Trustees. These documents are regularly updated. If you have any queries about any of the documents, or how they work, please contact Suzanne Doyle, Executive and Governance Manager.

Find out more about how the SU works

How do we make decisions?

We’re a democratically run organisation of over 26,000 student members, with student officers elected annually who direct our work. However, the final responsibility lies with our Board of Trustees who hold the ultimate responsibility for everything we do.

Our staff team and officer team work together to carry out our mission, vision and values.

Every year, students are given the chance to vote for, and stand to be one of the full time officers who run our organisation. They are paid a salary and work full-time for you for one year. Their post involves representing students and making day–to-day decisions on behalf of the organisation.

How are we funded?

We receive most of our funding from the University. We get this each year in the form of a block grant. We also raise funds through trading and a small amount from donations and other grants. As a charity, we do not generate profits to pay to shareholders - every penny that is made is reinvested back into the organisation. Our audited accounts are published annually and are approved by the Board of Trustees and submitted to the University..

We have created a set of FAQs to set out answers to questions such as 'What is Student Council?' and 'Who runs the SU?'.