The University has various policies and procedures in place to deal with behaviour or misconduct issues. If you are being affected by any kind of misconduct or disciplinary type issue, please get in touch with Just Ask for advice. This page gives some basic information on this subject, but is by no means exhaustive, so please do seek further advice from us on any type of misconduct or disciplinary issue.
If you are experiencing bullying or harassment or any kind of unacceptable behaviour, please seek advice and support from the University’s Student Wellbeing Service. It is possible in serious situations to make a complaint about someone, whether student or staff, via the University’s Acceptable Behaviour Policy. There is more information about how you can do this here but please get in touch with Just Ask if you would like independent confidential advice about this.
The Student Disciplinary Regulations defines misconduct as any action (or lack of action) which has a negative impact on University activities, function, reputation or on anyone who works or studies at the University. This includes things like:
What if I’m suspected of misconduct?
If this has happened in university residences or in the community, Residential Life will deal with it. You might receive a letter or an invitation to a meeting. Please do seek advice from Just Ask about this. If you are invited to a meeting, this is an opportunity for you to tell your side of the story and explain what happened. You can take a friend or someone else with you for support.
If a disciplinary issue has come up which isn’t related to residences or is more serious, you are likely to be invited to an initial meeting with the Pro-Vice Chancellor. This meeting is an opportunity for you to explain your side of the situation. Before the meeting information about the misconduct allegations should be sent to you, including evidence.
If you are invited to a disciplinary meeting, please seek support from Just Ask as soon as possible. We may be able to go along with you, and we can certainly help you to prepare.
What happens after the meeting?
There are various possible outcomes, which really depend on what has happened. It could be that no further action is taken, or it’s possible for fines or restrictions to be put in place. In very serious cases the matter can be referred to a Disciplinary Committee which has the power to exclude students from University.
If you disagree with the outcome, you have the right to appeal against it, and Just Ask can help you with that.