The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Exams and Assessments

Up to date information from the University on all issues relating to exams and assessment can be found within its Assessment and Exam Arrangements pages. Specific information relating to your course is available from your school

In 2021/22 there will be a mix of in person and online assessments as well as coursework. Some flexibility has been built in to account for issues such as students having to take assessments in different time zones.  

Alternative Exam Arrangements will still be in place for students who have already organised these. If you have any queries once the details of your assessments are known, contact your School Disability Coordinator

Normal rules about referencing and plagiarism apply to online exams. The work you submit must be entirely your own, so you must not collaborate or work with anyone else on your exam, either physically or virtually. The University will investigate and penalise instances of collaboration and exam cheating. More information on this is also available on our plagiarism and exam cheating page

Please contact Just Ask for advice and support on any of these issues.