If you are having difficulties completing an assignment in time for a deadline, you can request an extension.
Further information and a link to the eVision form is here. If you need help completing the form, please contact Just Ask.
Note: This does not apply to postgraduate dissertation extensions. Contact your School Office for details.
If you are a student in Bristol Dental School, Bristol Medical School, Bristol Veterinary School or the School of Chemistry, the process is slightly different and you need to contact your school to request an extension.
We’d always recommend talking to your personal tutor for advice and so that they are aware of your situation.
I haven’t received a response about my extension, what shall I do?
You need to try to work to the original deadline in case your extension isn’t approved in time or isn’t approved at all. Work submitted after the due date will receive a late penalty. If you do submit your work late as a result of extenuating circumstances, then you should also submit an EC form to explain what happened.
My extension request has been declined, what shall I do?
You should try to submit your assessment as soon as you can, within the original deadline if possible. Work submitted after the due date will receive a late penalty. If you do submit your work late as a result of extenuating circumstances, then you should also submit an EC form to explain what happened.
I am still concerned about the quality of my assessment, even after receiving an extension, is there anything I can do?
If you feel that your performance has been affected by unexpected and severe circumstances, then you need to submit an extenuating circumstances form. Please see our extenuating circumstances page.
I am on a Postgraduate research programme, is the process the same?
No, extensions work differently if you are a PhD student. If you have any concerns about your programme of research and your ability to complete your thesis, you must speak to your main supervisor.