Some professional courses, such as Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Social Work and Teaching carry additional expectations about professional behaviour on top of your academic work. This can be called Fitness to Practise, Suitability for Social Work, or Fitness to Teach. It is defined by the regulatory body for your profession. The University has to investigate any concerns that arise about your professional practice. This ensures that no-one is put at risk, and that all students are properly supported.
If you find out that a concern has been raised about you, get in touch with Just Ask for independent and confidential advice and support. We can explain University procedures, as well as help you to prepare for and support you at any meetings.
The Faculty of Health Sciences Fitness to Practise page explains the type of issues which might trigger a Fitness to Practise concern for Health Sciences students, but this is also broadly applicable to other professional programmes. It's also possible for things like plagiarism, disciplinary matters or non-contact orders which are being dealt with via other University processes to trigger Fitness to Practise investigations.
It is very unusual for Fitness to Practise type issues to result in outcomes such as being required to leave your course. More often, it leads to increased support being put in place. The initial interview is an opportunity for you to explain your side of the situation. The majority of Fitness to Practise type issues are resolved without any further action being required.