The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Meet the Candidates: Elections 2018

Tuesday 13-03-2018 - 13:18

We are pleased to announce the list of candidates for our six full-time elected officer roles!

You can vote at

Vote for the candidate you trust to represent you from 13-15 March.
We've published the candidates' top three priorities below...

Union Affairs Officer candidates


  • Deliver funding for a new full-time International Students’ Officer in next year’s student elections
  • Secure additional sports facilities within the University campus construction at Temple Meads
  • Establish a Society Awards to celebrate and recognise our incredible student groups. Committee of the Year anyone?

Chante Joseph

  • Lobby the University to provide free travel to off-campus examinations and give sports teams free travel to Coombe Dingle. Nothing should hinder students engaging with their studies or societies
  • Introduce an SU App to allow groups to sort their fiannces speedily, book campus/off-campus rooms and host tickets for events 
  • Improve the SU feel by bringing in hot taps, microwaves and keeping the bar cheap with an expanded menu

Postgraduate Education Officer candidates

Denisa Bernardova

  • Review of teaching conditions for postgraduate research students
  • Boost of Equal academic support for all postgraduate students
  • Improvement of well-being by building a stronger community

Connor O'Shea

  • Improve PG student community
  • Fight privatisation and bad PGR teaching contracts
  • Fight for quality resources and facilities for postgraduates

Lea Hampton-O'Neil

  • No more bad supervisors
  • Mental Health: focus on postgrads
  • International student support: Jobs and Housing

Sadeta Mujkic

  • Better services and support for education and mental health
  • More and a variety of scholarships
  • Increase the amount of printing credit each student gets

Shivangi Agrawal

  • Pastoral support plan
  • Make education affordable for international students
  • Create awareness of resources funded by University

Shubham Singh

  • Improve the educational experience by addressing concerns around structure of academic year, personal tutoring, etc.
  • Provide better carer support for international students and postgraduates who teach.
  • Making University more affordable

Undergraduate Education Officer candidates

Nasra Ayub

  • Improve the mental health services and ensure that there is better access to all students regardless of their mental health state
  • Eradicate hidden costs that exist outside tuition fees, eg travel expenses to placements
  • Introduce a programme that creates access to jobs tailored to degrees in all faculties

Dylan Woodward

  • Run a free education campaign on campus and support national efforts to abolish tuition fees and bring back maintenance grants.
  • Press the Uni to close its gender pay gap and hire more minority academics, as well as lobby for the expansion of contextual offers to redress the under-representation of state-school students.
  • Back student campaigns to cut halls rents, protect wellbeing services, oppose PREVENT and call for divestment from fossil fuels.

Student Living Officer candidates

Ella Fraser [Withdrawn]

  • Housing, Halls and Rent - Represent students in ongoing discussions ensuring that the new welfare system doesn’t lead to a rise in rent costs in halls.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing - I pledge to create a support system for students who are on the waiting list for University mental health support. Ensuring that all students who reach out for help have support from day 1.
  • Sustainability - Create a ‘Meat-free Monday’ campaign including promoting vegetarian options as well as lobbying the university not to sell any meat products at their vendors on Mondays.

Vanessa Wilson

  • Accommodation: Increase affordable housing, expand the accessibility of legal advice on renting, and provide financial support for students in need
  • Mental Health: Tailor support to the needs of students, improve the flexibility and diversity of wellbeing services, and ensure everyone is represented and catered for
  • Community Care: Improve the quality and consistency of tutorials, increase SU engagement on-campus, and establish transparent communication across all levels of the organisation

Sport and Student Development Officer candidates

Ginny Troughton

  • Create a free and accessible program of physical activity centered around exam periods, promoting positive mental health.
  • Lobby the University to provide a consistent bus route from the University to Coombe Dingle including a free bus for sporting fixtures on a Wednesday.
  • Expand the #WeAreBristol community to include more students, from B:Active and Fit&Fab to casual gym goers

Isaac Haigh

  • Improving mental health through sport and exercise: continuing my work on Be ManKind Active and incorporating mental wellbeing into Fit & Fab. Expanding the Healthy Minds scheme.
  • Lowering the cost of sport: abolishing the #WeAreBristol pass, making it free for all. Ensuring clubs have enough funding regardless of BUCS or Performance status keeping membership prices down.
  • Increasing participation of clubs and teams: providing free alternative sporting activities acting as platforms.

Equality, Liberation and Access Officer candidates

Spencer Blackwell

  • Establish Wellbeing Services outreach into halls to ensure effective and efficient wellbeing support despite reforms, improving access to welfare services and decreasing strain on student counselling.
  • Work with the Equality and Diversity team to deliver Diversity & Welfare Training to all academic and pastoral staff.
  • Work with SARI to establish an SU Report & Support system for hate crimes and sexual assault.

Sally Patterson

  • Wellbeing Support that Works: I will have an ‘open-door’ policy for all students, establish specialised minority support and academic support
  • No Size Fits All: I’ll commission Roundtables for liberation groups and ACT on their recommendations, support our liberation Chairs and finish establishing a Multifaith Network
  • Making Campus Safe: I will demand that the University launch their Reporting Tool, lobby for anti-racism training and introduce Bystander Intervention workshops

Adeline Nicholas

  • Wellbeing Support: Ensure all support staff receive training on Mental Health issues, and issues specific to Liberation Groups. Effective support network for Widening Participation students and survivors of Sexual Violence.
  • Raise Awareness: Run campaigns against Microaggressions within the learning environment and Rape Culture on campus.
  • Reporting Student Misconduct: Introduce a tiered system for dealing with student misconduct issues, single Point of Contact for reporting, and an option to Report Anonymously.

Maheera Zubair

  • Lobby the university to extend their facilities for the disabled: Including increased sports, transport and mentors: A campus that works for ALL.
  • Establish a minority peer network with the help of relevant societies and networks. This will help develop strategies for academic study and career progression for those who have less exposure: Close the attainment gap.
  • Establish a multi-faith network that will eradicate differences. Build Bridges, Not Walls.



Union democracy

Related Tags :

elections, democracy, elected officers, candidates, union affairs, postgraduate, undergraduate, sports, student developemnt, equality, liberation, access,

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