The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Volunteering with Bristol SU

Wednesday 06-02-2019 - 12:18

Bristol SU has almost 1000 registered volunteers and volunteering is a really important part of the university experience for many different students. Charlotte is a final year Biology student, member of the RAG, Volunteering and Sustainability Network, and a committee member for the Bristol University Conservation Group. We caught up with her to find out more about her volunteering journey, and how the experience has benefitted her course.

Where does your story start?

I’ve been interested in sustainability from a young age, and the reason I chose to come to Bristol was because it was a leader in sustainability, and my course is very sustainability focused. Before I came to Bristol I took multiple gap years and even went to the Amazon to volunteer at an animal sanctuary. When I arrived in Bristol I came to the Welcome Fair and signed up to the Conservation Society.

What are you involved in now?

I’m currently involved with the planning for Sustainability Month, particularly with the organisation of the Zero Waste Fair on Sunday 10 February. The fair has doubled in size this year with over 30 stands and three different speakers.

What has this given you?

I like having plenty to do and being involved in so much has allowed me to keep occupied and get outside. I’ve also gained good connections with the university and the SU with the roles I’ve had. Sustainability is a difficult sector to get into so my experiences look really good on my CV.

What has Bristol SU’s role been?

The SU has always been really supportive and has provided me with a lot of the opportunities that I’ve taken. We’re given the guidance to achieve what we want to do when we ask for help.

How does it benefit your course?

I don’t think I could have engaged in the content of my course without what I’m doing outside of it. It’s hardcore science – so to relate it to a real world situation helps me to understand the science.

Find out more about Charlotte’s experience by watching the video:



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Sustainability, Volunteering

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#SUYesYou, Volunteering, sustainability, impact, students' union,

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