The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

What did you #tellchloe?

Wednesday 10-01-2018 - 10:00


Quality of Education, Accommodation and Wellbeing are all highlighted in an executive summary of the 2017 annual #tellchloe survey.

The #tellchloe survey was launched to all Bristol students in April 2017 and received over 1000 initial responses. The Bristol SU Survey is run annually to take a snapshot of the varied experiences that make up the lives of Bristol students.

The survey covers a range of issues from education to wellbeing, as well as asking how Bristol SU is doing and how we can deliver what is best for students. This year the results have revealed three key themes which have been referred to repeatedly in the feedback; Quality of Education, Accommodation and Wellbeing.

Education issues vary across different faculties and levels of study, and a majority of students cited issues with access to resources and study space, with contact hours also an issue for some students. However, overall 56% of students think that their course is good value for money.

There was widespread dissatisfaction reported amongst students renting privately, but 80% of students renting with Bristol SU Lettings would recommend them.

Many students reported that their time at university had been good for their physical health, personal confidence and self esteem. However, when it came to mental health and wellbeing more students reported a negative impact.


327 students told Bristol SU what they would like to see worked on over the next year, with responses ranging from more events to communicating more about what we’re working on. All information from the survey has been passed to the relevant teams to be worked on over the next year. Elected officers have also had the findings shared with them so they can represent student interests at committees and meetings.

Stanford, Union Affairs Officer said:

“This survey gives vital steer from the most important respondents – our students – and reiterates areas that require focus from both the SU and the University, from mental health to activity space!”

The executive summary can now be viewed online here



Academic news, Housing and accommodation, Union democracy

Related Tags :

Bristol SU Survey, Survey, Results, feedback, tell chloe, Accommodation, education, wellbeing,

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