The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Why YOU should be on a JCR

Tuesday 03-10-2017 - 11:00

A message from Jack McAlinden: President, Unite House 

Being in the JCR Committee was a fantastic experience and many of the moments will definitely be remembered as highlights of first year! There were so many benefits of being involved that it would be impossible for me to list them all, but here are a few of my top benefits:

Firstly, you get to meet a group of people you would never have met otherwise. JCR committees are diverse by their nature and as a result you get to know, work with and understand a more diverse group of people.

You're given a several thousand-pound budget to plan exciting events that are exactly what students want, whilst saving you the funding worries of events planning! It also brings great satisfaction to pull off a truly amazing event. 

It's incredibly good for your employability, developing skills such as: team leading, events planning, dealing with crises, negotiating with staff and organisations, time and budget management, chairing meetings and listening to and communicating the student voice. Being able to put all of them down on your CV really improves how employers look at you! Being in the JCR Committee also instantly signs off a section of the Bristol PLUS award so you're already a good way towards completing it!

Finally, the fun of just doing it! All of the above add up to make involvement in the JCR committee an amazing experience and I would completely recommend it to anyone. 

Don't be afraid of the elections process, it's  a relaxed and enjoyable experience and to be able to say you've been democratically  elected is a real compliment to yourself! 

So, get up and go for it, and make this year another brilliant one for JCR committees and their plans!

A message from the Goldney Hall JCR Committee 

The JCR is an integral part of the experience at Goldney Hall. As a team of 10 people, you will be responsible for being the face of the student body of almost 300 students and will be the first to get involved in all of what the Goldney life has to offer. Whether you want to be tear up the town as Social Secretary or shake your bucket for a good cause as Charity Representative, each and every person on the team shares the same weight of influence in the student experience for 2017-2018. Fresher’s is what you make of it - join the JCR and shape your year for the better.

A message from the Goldney Hall President

This role will maximise your experiences at Goldney, providing you with opportunities to go everywhere, try everything and annoy everyone. It was the BEST year ever! In all honestly this role was hard work, but I thoroughly recommend this to anyone who wants an unforgettable year.

A message from the Goldney Hall Treasurer

I might be a bit biased but being treasurer is one of the best roles in the JCR. Your main job is to budget the JCR funds throughout the year, and to allocate and spend said funds. This means that you are not tied to any one type of event and can lend a helping hand in any of the activities or jobs the JCR has planned. 

A message from the Goldney Hall Arts Representative

I’ve had a fab year as the Arts Rep for the JCR! As a Maths student, it was great to get involved in all things arty outside of lectures, from Choir to Fine Art Drawing to the
Goldney Play!

One of the highlights for me was definitely the Goldney Christmas Concert. We had our very own choir perform some beautiful carols, and also so many talented individuals from the halls step up and really make it a fab evening (the complimentary reindeer antlers also made it a smashing success, of course)!

Make sure you vote and have a say in who leads Bristol SU.

Nominations open until 11 October 2017. Get involved here.

Related Tags :

JCR, student voice, representation,

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