The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Intramural FAQs

Cost and Pricing

Why is there a cost?

Making sport accessible is something we care about deeply, but inevitably there are costs to ruining any kind of sport programme. Players fees cover the cost of running the programme which doesn't produce a profit. Without fees, Intramural couldn't exist and the experiences you love couldn't happen. The average price per game per person is just over £2, so we’re hoping players see this as good value.

Where does my money go?

Most of your fees go to facility hire. The second biggest cost is staffing, which includes a team of student staff and referees. After that there are the fees paid to University of Bristol clubs who support the programme, and general admin and system costs.


Following Government Guidelines

The advice and rules on social distancing are constantly changing and we will endeavour to update students as often as possible. Currently, all of our intramural leagues are able to take place and we will be putting in extra measures to keep all of our players safe.


If for any reason the league is cut short before it has been two thirds completed and it’s clear there is no way to complete it, we will aim to provide a proportional refund to players. In this case we will contact teams and players to explain the next steps.

In the event of a lockdown early on in the season, in the first instance we’ll wait and see how the situation develops as we may be able to reschedule games for a later date.