The Best Student Life. Bristol SU


Sometimes it might be necessary for individuals to make purchase on behalf of your group. No purchases should be made that will put a member in financial hardship or be made without the Treasurers approval.

If it is the Treasurer making the purchase then it should be pre-approved by your Club Captain/President/Project Coordinator, they will also authorise your expense claim.

The best way for your members to claim back expenses is via the eXpense365 app. This app can be downloaded through the App Store or the Google Play Store.

An in-depth guide on how to use the app, to claim expenses can be found here. There is also an additional guide for Treasurers, Club Captain, Presidents and Volunteer Project Coordinators which explains how you can manage members claims through the app. If you would like one to one support with using the app please email to make an appointment.

There are a few circumstances where the eXpense365 app can not be used to claim expenses these include:

  • The payment needs to come out of a sub account
  • The expense claim is from a non student member of your group
  • The member does not have a smart phone and therefore cannot access the app

For these expenses student member will need to download and complete a paper expenses form and non student members will need to invoice the group. Both the claim form and invoice can be sent to the treasurer with proof of purchase for approval and forwarded onto for payment.