All affiliated groups must use the 'Supported by Bristol SU' logo on all forms of print and online promotion. As part of Bristol SU you should be:
There is a blue version and also a white version for use on colour backgrounds.
You can Book a brand and design meeting with our graphic designer Vicki if you want to talk more about your brand.
The Bristol SU shop, The Basket, offers a high-quality bespoke merchandise printing service. You can pay straight from your group's account and collect for free on-campus.
Merchanise includes t-shirts, hoodies, lab coats, badges, bags, books and cuddly toys.
Publicising your group, your events or your campaigns is a crucial part of running any group.
Top tip: the Marketing Team at Bristol SU will be your greatest allies here – for advice and guidance, email them at
For big news, the Marketing Team may want to write a press release on your behalf and post it on Bristol SU social media outlets.
If you have big news that you think we would be interested in, get in touch with the Marketing Team at with all the details and a quote from a relevant person. Examples of big news stories we might cover include:
This list is not exhaustive so please get in touch if you think we would be interested in your story.
Marketing Phone
Send your photos, boomerangs and videos via WhatsApp to 07707 628226 – the best will be featured on Bristol SU's Instagram Feed!
Tag Us
Tag @bristolsu on your socials
The Welcome Fair is usually the single biggest opportunity you have to promote your group and sign up members.
Approximately 10,000 people attend and enthusiasm abounds as new students look to sign up for familiar interests and new experiences.
33% of all memberships are sold in the week following Welcome Fair and a massive 70% in the 3 weeks following the Fair.
To get the most out of your Welcome Fair experience keep an eye on our Training Calendar for live training sessions or head on over to the Development Portal for self-led learning.
Give it a Go! provides a fun and friendly way for new students to get involved with Clubs, Societies, Volunteering Projects and Networks, allowing them to ‘road test’ groups before committing to membership.
The scheme is run twice a year – once during Welcome and then again at Refreshers. We’ll send you joining details in the run-up to these times.
We widely promote all sessions under the Give it a Go! banner to the student body, give you a dedicated place on our website to list your event and provide you with branding assets to help promote your event via social media.
Strategic Planning Guide for Student Groups
Equalities Action Plan Toolkit