The Best Student Life. Bristol SU


All Bristol SU groups are democratic organisations. As such, all groups must have an AGM (Annual General Meeting) once a year. It is your group’s most important democratic meeting, giving your members a chance to attend to hear about how your group has developed over the year, what the financial status of the group is and to vote for a new committee.

As an elected committee, you represent and are responsible to your members. All members should have this opportunity to ask questions of the committee and all are eligible to stand in elections for committee positions. 

Most groups hold their AGMs in March or April and often combine with a social event. 

Preparing for AGM

Before running your AGM you must check your group's constitution for information on: 

  • When you should run your AGM
  • How much notice you should give members
  • How many people need to attend in order to vote
  • Your method of vote counting

You should be able to find your constitution in the Bristol SU Portal. If you are having trouble finding it, please email us – 

Taking your AGM Online

Groups needed to run AGM and elections online during the coronavirus pandemic. It may be that this suited your group and you are planning to continue to do this in the future. Some benefits of running online AGM:

  • Good for large memberships – no need to book a big space
  • Cheaper to run
  • Accessible to members who don’t live in the city / have other commitments
  • Please note that you must elect your committee with free and fair elections where all of your members can stand and vote. An application process, interviews or screening candidates is not permitted by SU Byelaws. 

Annual Report

It is good practice to prepare a report about the core events and activities of your group over the last year. This should include things related to your groups’ development, for example:

  • Recruitment of Members
    • How do membership numbers compare with last year
    • Are there any trends you can share
    • Participation in Give it a Go! / Welcome / Refreshers
  • Strategic Plan
    • How have the groups aims and objectives changed over the year
    • What do future plans look like
  • Events
    • What events have you run this year
    • What has been successful
    • Plans for future
  • Financial Report
    • Breakdown of income and expenditure
    • Outstanding loans or debts
    • Grants and funding awarded over the year
    • Sponsorships
  • EDI
    • Report on Equality Officers work over the year
  • Awards and Accreditation

There should be time for your members to ask the outgoing committee any questions about the report


Minutes must be taken by the groups Secretary during the AGM and circulated to your membership after the meeting. They are an important document and should be stored by the group for future committees. 

Your minutes are also used as evidence of your democratic election process at Reaffiliation. 

We have a short guide on writing minutes and agendas here

Your Election

You must elect your committee with free and fair elections where all of your members can stand and vote. An application process, interviews or screening candidates is not permitted by SU Byelaws.

Groups run their election process in different ways. Your constitution will give you information on this and should be the first thing you check. Some common methods are shown below:

Running your Election via the Bristol SU Website

If you would like, we can set up an election for your group on the Bristol SU website where registered members can stand/vote. If you'd like to do this, please email with the following:

  • The role title of each committee position
  • The number of people you will be electing for each committee position e.g. some groups elect 2 social secs.
  • A role description for each committee position (optional)
  • Nomination start/end time - at least 24 hours (48 - 72 hours recommended)
  • Voting start/end time - at least 24 hours (48 - 72 hours recommended) and enough time after the nomination period that we can approve all your candidates etc.

For other votes (e.g. constitution changes), we can set up a referendum online too. For this, we need:

  • The question you would like to be asked
  • Any additional information you'd like to provide e.g. the precise wording you'll add/edit in your constitution
  • Voting start/end time - usually best if the same as your elections
  • Options (if not a simple agree/disagree)



Who is RON?

All group elections should give the option for voters to express their wish that nominations for a role should be re-opened. Voting for this option is usually taken when voters do not feel as though any of the candidates offer viable or credible policies. This is why you will see R.O.N listed as a candidate.

If RON wins an election either the post would not be filled or an election would be held at a time deemed suitable to gain the maximum number of voters.

Get in touch with the Development Team – – if RON does win and you want to talk next steps

What if we're struggling to find a new committee?

If you're concerned you might struggle to fill your committee positions this year, please get in touch with us!

A Development Meeting may be particularly helpful where we can help you decide on the best route forward for your group - this may include reducing your committee size, ways to encourage more nominations, merging with another group or closing your group.

Our Top Tips:

  • Sell what's great about being on committee
    • Talk up all the things that make being on committee great and all the fab things that can be done next year!
  • Invite members to a 'candidate academy' 
    • Give potential candidates a chance to ask questions and find out from the current committee what it's like
  • Let them know support is available
    • From CommitteeFest to Development Meetings, support is on-hand for all committee members - let candidates know!
  • Be honest with your members
    • If you're struggling to find next years committee, let your members know. It might just be the push someone needs to step up and run for a role.

How Does Voting Work?

Your constitution will tell you which system is used to count votes for your election. This will either be First Past the Post (FPTP) or Single Transferrable Vote (STV)

Bristol SU uses Single Transferable Vote (STV), a representation system in which a person’s vote can be transferred to a second or third choice (according to their stated preference) if their first choice is eliminated during the vote count.

If you want to understand more, take a look at this youtube video explaining how another SU used STV. 

First Past the Post is the system used at UK General Elections where voters cast their vote for a candidate of their choice, and the candidate who receives the most votes wins. This video explains the system.

For further info on running your AGM