The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Support for Members

As student leaders you may find yourself in a situation where you want to advise someone.​

If you have a relevant and helpful personal experience to share, and you feel comfortable doing so, feel free to do so.​​

It is not your responsibility to ‘fix’ people’s problems or to have all the answers.​​

There is a wide range of services, both within the University and externally, that you can signpost to which can help.​


If you experience or witness an incident of harassment, bullying or discrimination, the University's Report + Support tool offers a quick and easy way to let someone know and find out what support is available.​

We offer Mental Health Awareness training throughout the year. You can find and sign up to all our training sessions through the Student Leader Training Calendar.​

If you are concerned about a fellow committee member, or are struggling in your role, please do book in a Development Meeting.​

For more information and training on creating a group for all you can go to our Bristol SU Training Base.