The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Requesting and Paying Invoices

What is an invoice?

An invoice is a document or bill sent by a provider of goods and services (Bristol SU on your behalf) to their customer.

Invoices are a written agreement verifying the exchange between the buyer and seller, which establishes an obligation to pay on the part of the buyer.

How do I raise an invoice?

To raise an invoice head to the Bristol SU website and complete the Invoice Request Form.

You will need to provide us with:

  • The customer’s address, and an email address
  • A description of what it is they are purchasing
  • How much they are being charged
  • Evidence that the customer wants the goods/services at the price stated. This will probably be an email exchange between you and the customer.

Some large organisations such as the University of Bristol, use purchase order numbers (PO) to pay invoices, where this is the case we will also need this number to place on the invoice to ensure payment. Please check with your customer whether they use a purchase ordering system before requesting an invoice.

What happens if the customer does not pay their invoice?

We will follow up with the customer if they don’t pay an invoice we have sent within 30 days, However, in most cases we find that customers who don’t pay on time are more responsive when student groups contact them directly.

If you are concerned about a missing payment, please talk to Student Services who will be able to support you through the process.

Paying an invoice

Paying an invoice is the best way for student groups to pay a supplier.

Invoices come directly out of your Bristol SU bank accounts meaning no member needs to claim back expenses.

Invoices must include:

  • Supplier name 

  • Supplier address  

  • Supplier phone number

  • Date or invoice number  

  • Customer name (your student group or Bristol SU)   

  • Customer address (University of Bristol Students' Union, The Richmond Building, 105 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN)  

  • Details of purchase/service   

  • Total   

  • Subtotal if more than one item is applied   

  • Bank details     

  • VAT registration number (if applicable)

If the invoice is lacking any of the above, we will need to request an amended invoice.

Normally invoices should not be paid in advance of receiving goods and services in case goods are faulty or services like classes get cancelled. However, it is becoming more common for invoices to be paid in advance. If this is the case, make sure you read the returns policy or have a contract with teaching/coaching staff before you proceed with your order.

Once you are happy the invoice you have received is correct forward to stating that you authorise the invoice for payment from your groups account.

The Student Services Team will check and approve your invoice, sending it to the Finance Team for payment.

Payment will be received by your supplier within 10 working days. If the due date is critical, please highlight this in your email. It is important you authorise invoices when you receive so the supplier's payment deadline is not missed.

If your invoice is rejected, it will be because one of the check list items is missing. The Student Services Team will explain what needs to be done at this point.

Same Day Payments

If you authorise an invoice when it arrives there should be no need for it to be processed by Bristol SU and paid the same day.

In an emergency however a same day payment can be made. If requested prior to 1pm GMT. A bank admin fee of £3.50 will be charged to the group.

Same day payments will only be processed if:

  • Making the payment that day will get your group something it needs urgently
  • The payment deadline on the invoice is the same day as your request
  • You email student services before 1pm authorising payment of the invoice and the £3.50 bank charge a same day payment will incur
  • The appropriate staff are available to process the payment

This is not a regular payment method and request will not be processed if the invoice is not due before our next payment run or the supplier can wait a few more days without consequence.

International Payments

Payments to suppliers overseas will incur a bank charge of £12. We can’t guarantee a timescale for international payments as this depends on the destination country and sometimes the supplier’s bank.