The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

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There are loads of ways to get involved with the SU and improve your student life here at Bristol:

Got opinions? Tell us about your experience.

  • We’re always keen to hear about our students’ experiences, so take a few minutes to look at the surveys and research we’re involved in. 
  • Get in contact with your Course or Faculty Rep and let them know what you love or hate about your experience of studying. Visit to find their details.

Got ideas? Come to a meeting or event and make your voice heard.

  • We run meetings specifically to give students a voice on important issues - AMM and Student Council are a great place to start.
  • There are thirteen Networks where you can get involved with campaigns, events, policy and socialising.

Got ambition? Stand as a rep, delegate, or officer and create change for your peers!

  • Reps make a real difference to students’ lives and we run elections every year for JCR Reps, Course Reps, Faculty Reps, Chairs of Networks and Full-time Officers.
  • You could also represent students nationally by standing to be a delegate at NUS National Conference or NUS section / liberation conferences.