The Best Student Life. Bristol SU


What is a JCR?

A Junior Common Room (JCR) is a student committee elected in undergraduate halls of residence every year. They represent the voice and interests of students who live in the halls. They also help coordinate social activities and events. Most committees meet around once or twice a fortnight.

The University allocates £45 per student in halls to the committee, which they use to fund activities and socials. This means you can have your say about what you would like to happen in your halls.

If you are a Postgraduate student in halls, instead of a JCR, we have a central Postgraduate Residents' Committee. You can find out more by clicking here.


The bigger picture

The JCR is part of a wider group of student representatives. Together they influence the direction and aims of Bristol SU. To help them be as effective as possible, the JCRs are supported by the Full-time Officer team.

The Student Living Officer works full-time to improve key areas of student life. These include housing and accommodation, student wellbeing, mental health, and sustainability. The Student Living Officer can help JCRs by raising issues at the University level and by making sure students' voices are heard.


Who is in the JCR?

🗳️Vice President
💰 Treasurer
📝 Secretary
✊ Equality Rep
♼ Sustainability Rep
🎤 Activities Rep




Committees can add further roles via a co-option process after the November election.


President Role Description

  1. Coordinate and have ultimate responsibility for all matters concerning the JCR in accordance with the constitution.
  2. Represent your JCR at the following meetings: Village Operational Meetings, Student Council, and other stakeholder meetings.
  3. To be one of two signatories on the JCR Bank Account
  4. To act as Chair for regular JCR committee meetings, as per the JCR Constitution.
  5. Act as the main point of contact for all matters related to the JCR.


Vice-President Role Description

  1. Assume the responsibility of Committee Chair in the absence of the President for JCR meetings.
  2. Operate as a proxy in absence of the President at Village Operational Meetings, Student Council, and other stakeholder meetings.
  3. Oversee all matters concerning the administrative and practical operation of the JCR.
  4. Ensure consistent output across all committee posts in terms of events, campaigns, and representation.
  5. Assist the JCR President in general governance and management of the JCR Committee, in line with the JCR Constitution.


Treasurer Role Description

  1. To be one of two signatories on the JCR Bank Account.
  2. Keep accurate accounts and oversee all financial transactions of the JCR.
  3. To work with other committee members in drawing up a detailed budget which must be approved by the President and Vice-President.
  4. Adhere to the financial obligations laid out in the JCR Constitution
  5. To prepare a financial report on a termly basis for the JCR, explaining the status of the JCR’s finances and publicising any non-regular changes in spending.
  6. Making JCR accounts transparent to constituents within residences.
  7. Ensure that all external financial and account handover deadlines are met on time.


Secretary Role Description

  1. Take and publicise the minutes of JCR meetings, according to the discretion of the President and Vic-President.
  2. Construct and circulate agendas for JCR Committee Meetings.
  3. To maintain the JCR SharePoint; ensuring files are properly stored and accessible to committee members.
  4. Ensure student feedback is documented and stored in line with GDPR policies.
  5. Ensure a consistent output of  e-mail and social media communication from the JCR, promoting and making the JCR visible constituents.


Equality Rep Role Description

  1. Plan and deliver a wide range of events that promote, celebrate and campaign for the values of equality and liberation within residences.
  2. To gather and report on student feedback around issues relating to equality and discrimination within residences.
  3. Ensure a proportion of the Social Fund is dedicated to events and campaigns for marginalised communities within residences.
  4. To work with SU Networks on matters relating to equality, access, and liberation within Residences.



Sustainability Rep Role Description

  1. Take a lead on developing a halls-based sustainability campaigns and events programme.
  2. Instigate ideas to improve sustainability policies within halls of residence.
  3. Coordinate campaigns and events output with Sustainability Reps in other halls.
  4. Ensure the President is briefed on residents' ideas and attitudes about sustainability prior to Bristol SU Student Council meetings.
  5. Work with other JCR Committees and the Students Union on any joint projects relevant to sustainability that have been agreed. 


Activities Rep Role Description

  1. To take the lead on event planning processes, including managing ticket sales on UnionCloud, submitting event and risk assessment forms to relevant stakeholders.
  2. Maintain an accurate calendar of all JCR events throughout the academic year.
  3. Work towards increasing participation of international students in JCR social activities and Student Union events.
  4. Plan and deliver health and exercises events for a range of participation and ability levels.
  5. Coordinate fundraising events in halls of residences, in line with the RAG, Volunteering & Sustainability Network agenda.



Additional Hall specific posts

Goldney: Hillside Woodside Rep

Student Houses: Campus Houses Rep

Manor Hall: Richmond Terrace Rep, Queens Road Rep.

Unite & Culver: Culver Rep

These positions have been created to ensure the interests of constituents in housing outside of the hall of residents are represented within the JCR.





How can I be involved with my JCR?

Elections for JCRs happen each October. To take part, nominate yourself, write a statement of intentions, and encourage your peers to vote! 

Nominations this year are open from October 19th - October 28th - You can 'Recommend a Friend' (or just recommend yourself so we send you a reminder email!) right here:

What will I get up to?

Collecting feedback

  • You'll collect feedback so that you can improve students' experiences in your hall.
    You might do this by speaking to students, using social media, or setting up a suggestions box in your hall.

Holding meetings

  • It's important to hold regular committee meetings to discuss the activity and wellbeing of the residence.

Producing a diverse social calendar

  • A diverse range of students move into halls and it is your role to consider these groups in the decisions you make. You have a responsibility to ensure every student is catered for and represented in the events you organise.

  • This includes: End-of-term events such as a formal, and Welcome Week (one of the biggest events you’ll organise!).

Recording finances

  • You are responsible for the expenditure and book-keeping of the JCR fund. The fund comes from money paid by students at the beginning of the year. You will get lots of support and training from staff and the SU on how to spend the JCR fund.

Democracy and representation

  • JCR members can attend and vote at Student Council and the Annual Members Meeting.

  • JCR members communicate with their Residential Life team and Officers at Bristol SU about key issues and events.

Attend JCR Training / Socials

  • The SU holds training and socials throughout the year for representatives. There is often free food!

How can the Students’ Union help me?

Your Student Living Officer, Ruth, is always on hand to help. You can email them (


JCR's are managed by the Residential Experience Coordinators in the Residential Life team - you can email them (