The Best Student Life. Bristol SU


Bristol SU is affiliated to the National Union of Students - NUS.

We hold a referendum on our affiliation every three years (unless called at another time). The last referendum was held in March 2020 and the decision was to remain affiliated.

NUS National Conference

We send seven elected delegates to the NUS National Conference every year. These students represent Bristol SU and vote on the policy and elections that decide the direction of NUS. NUS is not just the discount card, it campaigns on major issues affecting students. 

In 2020, the NUS Conference took place online. 

Motions for NUS National Conference

Like all affiliated Students’ Unions, Bristol SU can submit motions to this conference.

Standing Committee (Full Time Officers, Chair of Networks, Faculty Reps and Student Trustees) compiles and agrees Bristol SU's final list of motions to send to NUS. Any student can write a motion for Standing Committees consideration - please refer to the NUS guide to writing a motion. You can email your motions to

The deadline for motions will be in February and we will release more information about the process here nearer the time.

Please email if you have any questions about this process or want guidance for writing motions.