The Best Student Life. Bristol SU

Info for Students

Your Course/PGR and Faculty Reps are here to represent your academic interests and to bring up issues that affect your education to University staff and senior management. They do this through gathering your feedback on your programme, and attending School and/or Faculty-level Student Staff Liaison Committee meetings (SSLCs). They are also members of the Education Network, which exists to improve all students' educational experience at Bristol. 

How do I contact my rep(s)?

There are multiple ways you can contact your rep. You can email them, contact them on social media, or talk to them in person (though during Coronavirus this might prove a bit harder). If you're struggling to get in touch with your rep, then you can contact the SU Representation Team. Your rep should also be seeking out your opinions so that they can take them to the University.

Make sure you let your rep(s) know if you're having issues – problems can't be solved if no one knows they exist!

Find your Rep

There are over 800 Reps over all the different Schools and Departments at the University.

Find your rep(s) here.

Please note the rep finder tool shows reps for the current academic year, and it is updated when the new academic year starts, and after the Term 1 SU Elections (for 1st year UG/PGT students). Some reps might not be displayed by the rep finder tool. We are working on finding a better tool for this purpose.

Your School's admin staff should also be able to let you know who your reps are, and if you have a Blackboard student space, they should be listed on there!

Still no rep(s) to be found...?

You can now check whether there is a vacancy that requires co-opting for your course! Look for your programme on our Airtable.

If the rep role for your programme has a blue mark next to it, this means there is a vacancy open. This can happen any time throughout the year (e.g.; a student withdrawing), and your School's admin should be in touch with your cohort to find a new volunteer for the role. Please get in touch with them to express your interest in the role, or recommend a friend!

How do I get involved?

We hold SU Elections for Course Reps at two points during the academic year, in TB1/TB2. Reps for new incoming cohorts get elected in TB1 (October/November), and all other reps get elected in TB2 (February/March). PGR Reps get co-opted in by their Schools instead of being elected through the SU Elections, so if you're interested in standing, simply let your School's staff know.

You'll be hearing a lot from us when the time comes around. When the SU Elections are live, you will be able to access our platform through our Elections webpage (permalink).

If you're interested, you can read full Course/PGR rep role descriptions below. These are "junior" roles. Other role descriptions for "senior" roles, including Faculty Rep, can be found on the Elections webpage.


Election: Dates (2021-22 A.Y.)

Term 1 Elections: Rep nomination period (1st year UG & PGT reps)

11th-20th October

Term 1 Elections: Voting period

26th-28th October 

Term 1 Elections: Results

29th October

Term 2 Elections: Rep nomination period (all continuing students)

1st-23rd February

Term 2 Elections: Voting period

8th-10th March

Term 2 Elections: Results

11th March


How else do I get involved, if I've missed the elections?

It might be the case there are still vacant roles that have not been filled through the elections, in which case, you'll hear about any vacancies from your School (and you can also check through the above tool). Though, even if you aren't a course rep, you can still be part of the conversation! We have an Education Network that exists to improve all students' academic experience at Bristol. It is open to all students at the University, and will be running events and campaigns throughout the year. You can keep up to date on the Network's Facebook group and join the mail list here.

Be proactive! It's really important that you make sure your reps are aware of any issues you have so that they can bring these problems to the university. They are elected to represent you – so make sure you give them feedback when they ask for it... or even when they don't!