In April 2018 Bristol SU launched the 'Let's Talk About Sex' survey. The survey was commissioned by 2017/18 Equality, Liberation and Access Officer Des Ibekwe to help Bristol SU and the University of Bristol gain a more comprehensive understanding of students' experiences of sex and relationships. The survey also aimed to provide Bristol SU and the University with a greater understanding of students' experiences of sexual harassment and sexual violence. This was an area which the Students' Union had long campaigned on, but did not have much evidence regarding.
The survey found that 36% of students had arrived at the University of Bristol as a virgin and 51% were in a monogamous relationship with one partner. 19% had considered working in the sex industry. Just 23% agreed that the sex and relationship education they had received at school had prepared them for healthy adult relationships. 30% of women and 14% of men were concerned about being pressured to have sex. Just 40% of women felt safe walking home at night, compared to 90% of men. 52% of students had experienced sexual harassment and 16% had experienced sexual assault or rape whilst studying at the University of Bristol.
The report was presented to the University of Bristol's Student Experience Committee and the Joint Forum Against Sexual Violence and Harassment, which includes members of staff from UWE, UoB, Bath Spa and the University of Bath.
Below you can read an executive summary of the findings of the research, as well as a full report covering all findings. If you have any questions about this research you can get in touch with our Research and Consultation Coordinator, Vasiliki Sogia (